
Check It Out

Books recommended for young readers by Ilene Abramson, senior librarian for the children’s literature department, Los Angeles Public Library:

Friendship: Share these books with the good friends you meet in school.

Preschool: “The Cool Coyotes,” by Jillian Lund

In this hilarious picture book, one cool coyote moves away, leaving the other to find a new friend to share the fun of tickling tarantulas and howling at the moon.


Kindergarten: “Pig and Crow,” by Kay Chorao

Pig is lonely until he becomes a daddy for a goose.


First grade: “Rainbow Joe and Me,” by Maria Diaz Strom

In this upbeat story, a girl who loves color learns that her blind friend can also share her passion, and even add to it.



Second and third grades: “George,” by Maggie Stern, illustrated by Blanche Sims

Beginning chapter book about the everyday adventures of a fun-loving boy.


Fourth and fifth grades: “Mighty Boy,” by Carol Soneklar

An obsessed fan of a television superhero discovers that he has courage and strength of his own.


Sixth and seventh grades: “Totally Confidential,” by Sally Warner

Delightful story about a sensible girl who sets up shop as a professional listener and advice counselor.


Eighth grade: “Outrageously Alice,” by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Insecurities and doubts do not deter this fun-loving teenager from having adventures with her friends.



Ninth and 10th grades: “Shots on Goal,” by Rich Wallace

Friendships are strained when girls become an issue for a group of soccer players.
