
Computers Should Be Made for Average User

I was delighted to read your article (“Linux May Be the Friendliest OS of Them All,” Aug. 21) concerning the Linux operating system. I am a graphic artist using a Mac since 1993. The resentment and anger I feel toward the industry can hardly be contained in this single letter. From mind-numbing manuals to problems resolving conflicts and getting updates and dealing with all this by myself as a freelance person--I have come close to losing it.

I’ll never be geeky enough to “get it.” None of my friends who use computers “get it” either--we all feel like we’re operating on the edge of a catastrophe. To hear about people who are trying to improve this is very gratifying, and there appears to be hope after all.


Sierra Madre


Charles Piller wrote favorably about Nautilus playing MP3-file samples when the mouse is put over a file. Now suppose someone walks into a meeting, the mouse accidentally moves over the file icon, and the meeting gets interrupted by an impromptu concert. Obviously this is something you want to be able to toggle on or off: There are situations where good manners dictate that computers should be seen, not heard.


There really is a need to allow some customization for various tasks: The trick is to do it in such a way that it won’t confuse or otherwise inconvenience average users. I think the actual point the article made is valid, but the solution is not as simple as just getting rid of customization.


Palo Alto
