
Readers Recommend

California--Ronald Sudy, Los Angeles: “Pelican Cove Inn, 320 Walnut Ave., Carlsbad 92008; telephone (888) 735-2683, Internet A B&B; I can’t recommend highly enough. Elegant rooms; delightful and accommodating innkeeper Nancy Nayudu.” Rates: $90-$180 double.

Germany--Ernest Salomon, Santa Barbara: “Gasthof Zum Baren, Marktplatz 11, 88709 Meersburg; tel. 011-49-7532-43220, Internet Hotel dating to the 13th century; owned by family of the current owner-chef, Michael Gilowsky, since 1851. Beautiful rooms and a great value.” Rates: $65-$89 double, with breakfast.

New Zealand--Elliot McIntire, Chatsworth: “Badger’s of Devonport B&B;, 30 Summer St., Devonport, Auckland; tel. 011-649-4452-099, Internet Lovingly restored 1906 Victorian in small village atmosphere, 10 minutes’ ferry ride from heart of Auckland.” Rates: about $52-$63 double.


Send recommendations to Travel, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles 90012.
