
Thank You, Steverino!

Steve Allen made so many artistic dreams into reality, cheered on and encouraged by his loving wife, Jayne. It all seemed to spring from the healthful sense of self-hood.

Steve Allen had a giant love affair with the English language, music, the San Fernando Valley, with life itself.

His death on the eve of Halloween, the evening before All Saints’ Day, Nov. 1, is ironic. For this Renaissance man is indeed a natural saint who gave of his talents so completely in the presence of a loving God.


Now it’s time to want to name some new street in the San Fernando Valley for this Valleyite benefactor.

I say, let’s wait. Let’s wait and name the next emerging volcano: Mt. Steve Allen.


North Hollywood


It seems so unfitting that Steve Allen should pass away when we need him most. Although he was a writer, singer, musician, comedian, humanitarian and on and on, one of his best works wasn’t finished: the cleanup of Hollywood.

As honorary chairman of the Parents Television Council, he represented an organization that strives to place morality and responsibility back into a medium that has become a moral sewer.


Usually, anyone that complains about the sex, violence and homosexual themes in today’s Hollywood market is called a bigot, part of the moral majority or some other misconstrued epithet. I wonder if the same epithets would be used against Steve Allen?


Canoga Park


The world just won’t be the same!

You’ve left us with so many memories

Filled with craziness and laughter.

It makes us smile remembering

And it shall forever after.

You’ve used the gifts God gave to you

To share with all the world.

Your talents were abundant:

Writing, composing ballads too.

It was the laughter and zaniness

That we’ll remember you,

Not to mention your fight for decency

In the entertainment field.

We appreciate more than you’ll ever know

The results that it will yield.

Now when you’ve reached those Pearly Gates

The Lord will welcome you

And thank you for the life you’ve lead

And Steve, we all do too!

Thank you, Steverino. Our prayers go out to Jayne and your family.


West Hills
