

Sexual Assault Crisis Agency in Long Beach needs volunteers to become crisis counselors/advocates for its 24-hour hotline. Training, which begins Dec. 1, is held over three weekends. Information: (562) 494-5046.

* Watts Health Systems in Los Angeles needs volunteers to provide child care, tutoring and mentoring of women at its Domestic Violence Center. Information: (310) 637-2914, Ext. 202.

* American Red Cross in Torrance needs volunteers to instruct first-aid and safety classes, provide disaster relief, manage shelters and provide counseling to disaster victims. Information: (310) 212-5009.


* Stroke Assn. of Southern California needs volunteers to staff tables at local health fairs, distribute information and tell the public about the organization. Information: (310) 575-1699, Ext. 4.


Information for this column should be submitted typed and double-spaced to Involvement Opportunities, Health, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012.
