
Not Buying What Faith Popcorn’s Selling

I’ve been a woman all 44 years of my life, but every time Faith Popcorn opens her mouth, I’m convinced I must be a man. She’s always talking about what women want and how to sell to them (“Virginia Woolf Would Approve: A Room of One’s Own,” Oct. 26), but I never recognize myself--or the women I know--in what she says.

A desk with built-in jewelry trays? Thanks, but I really need a desk well-designed for my computer and all its peripherals. And whose ideal is the kitschy office pictured in the article? If some women or men want to decorate that way, more power to them, but I wouldn’t be caught dead in an office that resembles the tacky French provincial bedroom set I outgrew as a child.

Faith Popcorn insults women by assuming that more than half the people on the planet want--or should want--the same things, based solely on our sex. Marketers who buy her services are in for a rude awakening.



Santa Monica
