
Medical Board Vacancies

Thirteen months ago, two state Medical Board members were recalled by Gov. Gray Davis before their Senate confirmation hearings were held. Both were experienced, active and public-spirited citizens--and both were former Gov. Pete Wilson appointees. No replacements were waiting in the wings--and none have been named as yet. A third recalled member--an Assembly appointee--has been promptly replaced.

Your Feb. 20 article, “Davis Accused of Filling Posts Too Slowly,” brings a serious issue to the public’s attention. Davis’ failure to make appointments to vital state regulatory and advisory boards is an inexcusable breach of his duty to California’s citizens.

Allowing a board--specifically the Medical Board--to be in danger of being unable to meet its mandate of public protection solely because the governor has not personally spoken with each potential appointee is a poor use of executive authority and poor public policy.


On June 30, six additional members of the Medical Board will finish their terms. At that time, this 19-member board will be reduced to only five members and will be unable to perform its functions of licensing and regulating physicians as mandated in the Medical Practice Act--unless, of course, the governor should find the time to make 14 new appointments all at once. If he should do so, he will demonstrate his belief that continuity, organizational memory and learning curves are not important for rookie members of a board that makes complex decisions affecting the lives and health of Californians.


Past President, Medical Board

San Diego
