Outscoring the State
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Orange County students consistently out-performed their counterparts statewide in every subject and at every grade level. The table below shows the percentage of students who scored at or above national averages in reading, math and language studies.
Reading Math Language Grade Calif. O.C Calif. O.C. Calif. O.C. 2 49 55 57 62 52 59 3 44 49 56 63 48 55 4 45 51 51 59 51 59 5 44 51 50 59 50 59 6 46 54 55 65 52 62 7 46 54 48 59 54 63 8 49 55 48 59 51 58 9 35 42 51 61 52 61 10 34 40 46 57 40 47 11 36 42 48 57 48 54
Source: California Department of Education
Researched by: Ray F. Herndon, Los Angeles Times