
Tuttle to Back Chick for City Controller

City Councilwoman Laura Chick’s campaign for Los Angeles city controller is scheduled today to pick up the endorsement of Controller Rick Tuttle, who is being forced to give up the office by term limits.

“Rick Tuttle is a four-term, 16-year controller who has developed a well-earned reputation for integrity and being independent,” said Chick, a Tarzana resident. “So his endorsement is very significant. His endorsement is a statement of his confidence in me.”

A spokeswoman for Tuttle confirmed that he will announce his support for Chick during a news conference scheduled for today at City Hall. Former City Treasurer J. Paul Brownridge is the only other declared candidate in the April 2001 election for city controller.


Tuttle’s backing could be a big boost to a campaign that has already picked up support from other politicians, including Councilman Mike Hernandez and Sheriff Lee Baca.

Chick was elected to the City Council in 1993 and was reelected in 1997. A Tuttle aide said the controller decided to back Chick in part because of her work as chairwoman of the council’s Government Efficiency Committee, where she has played a role in reforming city contracting, purchasing and workers’ compensation programs.
