
Ill-Mannered Cheetahs

Natalie Nichols review of the LA Weekly Awards makes it sound like the Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs were just being cool and doing their punk rock thang (“At a Raucous Show, LA Weekly Music Honors Go to Beck, Gray,” July 1). Perhaps Nichols was unable to see what really happened.

Fact: Lead singer Frank Meyer drank from his beer bottle and then spit the contents onto the first two rows of the audience, which included lifetime achievement nominee Big Jay McNeely and other nominees. Then Meyer threw the beer bottle on the ground at McNeely’s feet. The bottle exploded, sending shards of glass over the audience, my husband’s face included. When McNeely stood up, absolutely indignant, I also rose to my feet and screamed outrage at the stupidity of this “artistic” act. Someone could have been seriously hurt. Meyer then drank from a water bottle and spit the contents onto my face.

I’m not into censorship and have spent a lifetime working and supporting work that breaks boundaries. But breaking boundaries by risking injury to the audience is inexcusable. Sadly, Ice T afterward commented that he should sign the Cheetahs to his label because Meyer made something happen. What “happened” is about as artistically laudable as what occurred in Central Park after the Puerto Rican Day parade.


I appreciated the apologies made to me by the editors of the LA Weekly. I hope that they have the courage to publicly denounce Meyer’s unfortunate display.


Los Angeles
