
Entrepreneur Aid Agencies Win Grants


The Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment (PACE) and the Vermont Slauson Development Corp. are among seven organizations statewide that have received grants to offer technical assistance to small businesses whose owners are low-income, minority, disabled or women.

The $350,000 grant from Wells Fargo Bank will be divided among the organizations as part of an initiative to help entrepreneurs raise their chances of success.

PACE, which also operates the Asian Pacific Revolving Loan Fund, will use the grant to finance a bilingual technical-assistance consultant who will work with loan applicants. Other winning organizations are in San Francisco, Richmond, Ukiah and Watsonville.



Manufacturers and other business owners interested in learning about tax laws, loopholes and shelters and intellectual property protection can attend a four-hour seminar Tuesday in Torrance.

The event, sponsored by the Small Business Development Center, will take place at the California Manufacturing Technology Center, 19701 Hamilton Ave., Suite 170, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Topics include corporate and securities law, taxation law, bankruptcy law, immigration law and patent trademarks and copyrights.

Cost is $25. For more information, contact Sarina Meyer at (310) 965-4824, or e-mail [email protected].
