
Bishop Being Treated for Prostate Cancer

The head of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino is undergoing treatment for prostate cancer and the prognosis is good, a church official said.

Bishop Gerald Barnes has begun hormone therapy to shrink his enlarged prostate, which then will be removed, the Rev. Howard Lincoln said Sunday.

The problem was discovered by a blood test during a routine physical in September and a tumor was confirmed by biopsies.


The bishop, whose diocese includes more than 800,000 Catholics in Riverside and San Bernardino counties, said he hopes his condition will remind others to be tested.

“I ask for prayers for all cancer patients, but most especially for those whose prognosis is less fortunate and for prayers and blessings on their families,” he said.

Barnes is continuing his regular duties, and doctors believe the cancer was discovered early enough that the prognosis is good, Lincoln said.


“He’s in great spirits,” he said.
