
Parole Bill Veto

Re “Rehabilitation, Not Brutality,” editorial, Dec. 27: Once again, a major newspaper cites the California Correctional Peace Officers Assn. as the impetus behind Gov. Gray Davis’ “recent veto of a bill providing for community-based punishment of parole violators.”

The bill in question, AB 1112 by Assemblyman Roderick Wright (D-Los Angeles), reflected years of CCPOA’s work in the arena of intermediate sanctions of parole violators, in an effort to reduce recidivism and the number of parolees returned to custody in state prison. Surprised? We actually sponsored half the bill! Does that sound like a group that would like to see the measure vetoed?

Perhaps you should contact the governor’s office regarding his reasons. We know he is not inclined to take risks with public safety and we continue to work with his administration concerning the concepts embodied in AB 1112, to be sure they are sensible.



Chief, Government Relations

CCPOA, Sacramento
