
Ticker Talk

Bloomberg News

U.S. Interactive Inc.’s (USIT) shares jumped 78% on Monday after the Internet consulting firm was named a top 10 stock pick for 2000 by Steve Harmon, who runs the investment management firm King of Prussia, Pa.-based U.S. Interactive helps companies develop Internet services. Its shares rocketed $33.50 to close at $76.50 on Nasdaq. The company first sold shares to the public Aug. 10 for $10 each. Separately, the company named James Huser, general manager of U.S. Interactive’s Los Angeles office, to the new position of chief operating officer.

EMC Corp. (EMC) shares rose $4.75 to $114 on the New York Stock Exchange after the data storage leader was named “top pick” by an analyst at Salomon Smith Barney, who raised his price target to $140. The stock was also added to the “focus list” by Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette Securities.

Fidelity Investments plans to seek shareholder approval of proposals to let its Magellan fund, the world’s biggest mutual fund, put more of its money in a single stock and own bigger stakes in some companies. Under the proposals, Magellan would be able to use as much as one-fourth of its assets for investments that exceed its current 5% threshold. For example, it would be able to invest 25% of its assets in one company, or 10% in one company and 15% in another.
