
AT&T; Story Not Supported by Facts

* Seldom have I seen a story rely as heavily as “Trouble on the Lines for AT&T; Since its Cable Entry” [Dec. 12] did on unnamed sources.

Even worse, those sources offer opinions that are simply not supported by the facts. Here are just three examples:

As we have said publicly many times, the cost of upgrading TCI’s cable plant for two-way communication is $2.8 billion, not the wildly exaggerated figure cited in your story. Our upgrade is on schedule and within budget.


As a recent report by a leading analyst demonstrates, the cost per home of our broadband acquisitions is $3,300--some 28% below the figure cited in your story.

Despite your story’s unsupported assertions, TCI’s systems have been clustered so we can serve customers efficiently. In fact, 93% of our customers will be served in just 23 markets this year.

We covered these and many other issues at our meeting with securities and industry analysts and the media on Dec. 6, to which the Los Angeles Times was invited but chose not to attend. As we demonstrated at that meeting, our broadband strategy is on track and we are delivering on our commitments.



Executive Vice President

Public Relations


Basking Ridge, NJ
