

Given the history of Austrian anti-Semitism and the awesome tragedy of World War II, the European Union’s warning that Joerg Haider and his Freedom Party will have “pariah status” is a hopeful sign that society is committed to say no to hatemongering governments (Feb. 1-3).

The action will also strengthen use of the United Nations’ declaration of Human Rights and the Genocide Convention Treaty in similar situations elsewhere.

To achieve that desired end, we must undertake on a continual basis the task of reeducation--and enactment of laws that seek to end hatred based on differences in birth origin, creed, race and sex, not only in Austria, but throughout the world.


An end to the fears such hate generates has to be more than a hope, but reality for all peoples throughout the world.

I pray what the European Union seeks to achieve in Austria happens and becomes a pattern for action wherever governments generate hate against humanity.


Pacific Palisades


As repugnant as Haider’s far-right Freedom Party may be, its members were elected in a fair, democratic election. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s disparagement of the Austrian people “to advance our support for democratic values” is the height of hypocrisy.


It appears that Albright’s “democracy” is only democracy if you like the party that is elected.


La Canada
