
A Cowboy Coach Who Always Knows the Score

Frank Luksa in the Dallas Morning News on new Dallas Cowboy Coach Dave Campo:

“[Campo] was once a musical celebrity. He sang second tenor in a Connecticut high school for ‘The Windjammers’--five lads whose professional dates included the New York World’s Fair.

“Music has provided background melody in his life ever since. To relieve stress, Campo retires to a theater room at home where he listens to Broadway musicals.”


Trivia time: When was the Pro Bowl last held in Los Angeles and what was the result?


No contest: Jeff Spinner-Halev, a political science professor at Nebraska, on former football coach Tom Osborne’s chances of winning a seat in Congress:


“It’ll be shocking if he doesn’t win, and doesn’t win easily. He is adored.”

Aw, that’s sweet.


Anything goes: Jim Armstrong in the Denver Post: ‘This just in. In an attempt to lure big-name NFL players to his new football league, WWF President Vince McMahon will allow players to use the controversial throat-slashing gesture on the field. With real knives.”


Add wrestling: On the incredible popularity of the so-called sport, especially among today’s youth, Mitch Albom of the Detroit Free Press writes, “. . . Most American children can’t tell you a thing about evolution. But they can tell you everything about Mankind. He’s a wrestler, you know.”


Vicious! Upon his acrimonious return to Orlando, Phoenix Sun guard Penny Hardaway was greeted by a sign that said, “Penny’s new shoe contract: Penny Loafers.”



Pack a lunch: Blackie Sherrod in the Dallas Morning News: “A Michigan golf course will open this year with a 1,007-yard par-five hole, eclipsing by 43 yards the longest hole now on record, on a Japanese course.”


Yawn! Like hundreds of thousands of Italians, Filippo Mattioni has grappled with grogginess to follow the America’s Cup.

“I try to watch the whole race. But if I have to get up for class the next morning, I’ll watch the start, then go sleep,” said Mattioni, a engineering student from Rome, “then wake up after about 45 minutes to watch some more, set the alarm again and sleep a little more, then wake up again to root.”


He’ll probably follow the same routine starting Feb. 19 when Italy’s Prada, the challenger, meets Team New Zealand for yachting’s top prize.


Trivia answer: The NFC defeated the AFC, 13-7, at the Coliseum in 1979.


And finally: John McGrath of the Tacoma (Wash.) News Tribune on the Pro Bowl: “One day last week, some noodleheaded reporter--behaving as though there was something on the line in Honolulu--asked [AFC Coach Tom Coughlin] to gauge the intensity of his squad’s practices.

“ ‘Intensity?’ Coughlin replied, clearly offended by such a cavalier use of a sacred cliche. ‘This is an all-star game!’ ”
