Lighting Candles for One ‘Great Lady’
I wept as I read the opening passage to Jocelyn Y. Stewart’s article (“Confessions of a Civil Rights Daughter,” July 16). Endesha Ida Mae Holland’s pain and ultimate triumph mirror the unrelenting hope and loosely buried tragedy of a people and their arduous struggle for existence. As a child I often heard stories of oppression, agony and injustice told by my Mississippi-born mother and her relatives. For every victory and accomplishment that I celebrate, a silent and knowing homage is paid to Holland and other Mississippi civil rights liberators.
Michelle LeFlore
San Bernardino
What a beautiful, courageous woman Holland is! I was touched by her story and the support of her community in Greenwood, Miss. She is a treasure and I feel fortunate to have read about her. Thank you so much for telling her story in such a clear and meaningful way. I look forward to reading her memoir and hope she’s well cared for. I will light a candle for this great lady.
Lulu Redondo
Rancho Encino