
Republican Tax Cuts

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* Once upon a time Republicans were the party of fiscal responsibility, providing loyal opposition to the unbridled expansion of government. Then, under Ronald Reagan, the Republicans took the Senate and cut taxes, which was good. Unfortunately, they were too weak and cowardly to tell the American people that if you pay government less, it must do less. That is, they did not cut spending to match the tax cuts. The result was many years of immense deficits, heaping debt upon following generations.

Now the federal government is finally showing budget surpluses and, rather than pay down the massive debt, the Republican Congress is rushing to pass election-year tax cut after tax cut. Instead of “tax and spend” Democrats we have “no tax and spend” Republicans trying to buy votes to stay in power. That is a major reason why this lifelong member of the GOP will not be voting Republican in the coming election.


Huntington Beach


* Congress is finally summoning up the courage to reverse Bill Clinton’s 1993 tax increase for middle-class Social Security recipients (“House Approves Tax Cut for Seniors,” July 28). What totally floors me is Clinton’s statement that tax relief for senior citizens threatens our ability to pay down the debt, strengthen Medicare and Social Security and invest in education.


What about Clinton’s promise to cancel 100% of debt to certain countries? What about his aim to increase foreign aid by 30%? What about his planned expansion of government, which amounts to $1.1 trillion? Why don’t these expenditures, rather than relief for the overburdened taxpayer, threaten our ability to pay down the debt, strengthen Medicare and Social Security and invest in education?




* The Republicans once again have missed the boat and will alienate the thousands of seniors required to work just to make ends meet, of which I am one, with their ridiculous help for the wealthy (too few in number) seniors and the hell with the struggling majority. As for the Democrats who voted with the Republicans, they should be voted out with them.


