
On the Lam: The LAPD was in...

On the Lam: The LAPD was in hot pursuit again Thursday evening, though the quarry this time was two goats blocking rush-hour traffic on Sepulveda Boulevard. One of the animals, after being herded to the sidewalk, jumped through the front window of a nearby house. But it was finally “taken into custody” in the dining room.

* NO NINO: Jean Warner of Encino awoke before dawn Thursday to the sound of running water and wrongly assumed it was El Nino. DWP sent an emergency crew to her home. B1

* FLIGHT BAN: Councilman Richard Alarcon calls for a halt to training flights at Whiteman Airport due to recent crashes. B1


* BOOLA BOOLA: Valley and Pierce Colleges hit the gridiron this weekend in an annual rite. Above, Valley’s Chuck Ferrero, Gary Barlow and Leaford Hackett with the coveted Bell trophy. C12

* RAH RAH: Twenty-eight Notre Dame High students react to the prospects of a new L.A. football team in Bill Plaschke’s column and their collective response can fit into one word--whatever. C1
