
160 Dogs Put Owners Through Their Paces, Raise $2,700 for Special Olympics

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Halloween is a few weeks away, but that didn’t stop Juan Varela of Ventura from dressing his 8-week-old Chihuahua pup in a witch’s hat Sunday during the Dog Day Afternoon fund-raiser for the Ventura County Special Olympics.

The black-and-brown pup was one of 160 dogs who participated in the fourth annual benefit at Camino Real Park in Ventura.

“The event seems to be growing each year, little by little,” said Richard Newsham, a member of the Ventura County Special Olympics Area Committee.


Dogs and their owners raised about $2,700 for Special Olympics, he said.

The highlight of the day was a mile-long dog walk around the park on Dean Drive.

Besides the walk, dogs and their owners participated in a talent show, and in look-alike and talent contests.

“The dogs seem to love it,” Newsham said. “It’s always fun to see the crazy things that dogs make their owners do.”

People without dogs were also able to adopt a pet through the Humane Society.

And in a show of pet agility, members of the Seaside Scramblers dog club put their animals through an obstacle course.


When it was all over, the dogs left with special treats from local vendors, and Special Olympics was rewarded with more funds to help athletes with mental and physical disabilities.
