
Martin Miller

* Pairs of athletic shoes purchased in U.S., 1996: 340.3 million

* Dollars spent on athletic shoes in U.S., 1996: $12.1 billion

* Percent of athletic shoes bought for someone age 24 or younger: 49%

* Average price, basketball shoes: $54.01; walking shoes: $39.66; golf shoes: $53.81

* Percent of athletic shoes bought at discount stores: 26.5%; at factory outlets: 2.49%

* Percent of buyers who rate comfort as very important: 83%

* Percent of buyers who want shoes considered “hot” by friends: 13%

* Percent of buyers who purchase name brands: 64%

* Percent who buy private labels: 18.2%

* Percent who don’t know: 17.8%

Sources: “The U.S. Athletic Footwear Market Today,” 1997 edition, Athletic Footwear Assn. of the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Assn.; National Sporting Goods Assn.;
