

Hieroglyphics are not that tough. You can write your name, or, if you are ambitious, even a letter to a friend in the ancient Egyptian writing.

Of course, the full hieroglyphics found in Egypt are tougher. The pictures and symbols stand for words, symbols or sounds.

But if you simplify the job by just using the ones that stand for sounds, you can write or read pretty much anything.


A free pamphlet put out by the Egyptian Tourist Authority gives you the symbols and the sounds they make. (Just make sure whoever is reading your letters at the other end also has a copy.)

The pamphlet also has a map and a summary of information about the country’s history, current facts and interesting sights. Useful for a school report!

To get a copy, send your request and a business-size, self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Egyptian Tourist Authority, 630 5th Ave., Suite 1706, New York, N.Y. 10111.


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