
Hector Julio Paride Bernabo; Brazilian Artist ‘Carybe’

Hector Julio Paride Bernabo, 86, Brazilian artist better known by his nickname, Carybe. Bernabo earned fame with his colorful paintings of Afro-Brazilian religious cults, including Candomble, which mixes native African deities with Roman Catholic saints. He used strong lines and rich splashes of color to depict mulattoes, pimps and other figures in Brazilian street life. He employed the same elements to render Afro-Brazilian deities, painting them in masks and skirts as they appear in Candomble ceremonies. His work has been used to illustrate novels written by such Latin American authors as Brazil’s Jorge Amado and Colombia’s Gabriel Garcia Marquez. A native of Buenos Aires, Bernabo moved to Rio de Janeiro with his family when he was a child. He later became a Brazilian citizen. On Wednesday in Salvador, Brazil, of a heart attack.
