
Outstanding Teachers Honored at Banquet

With valet parking and the red carpets rolled out, it was a banquet fit for royalty.

The Ventura Education Partnership hosted an awards ceremony at the Doubletree Inn on Thursday to honor five teachers with Golden Wings awards.

“I think it’s an opportunity to express our appreciation for their time, commitment and dedication,” said Beth Fruchey, who served on the judging committee and is also the Ventura Unified School District’s director of special projects.

Oak View Elementary fifth-grade teacher Joan Archer and Anacapa Middle School sixth-grade teacher Karen Biedebach were honored as the top-ranking Golden Wings recipients. Both will now compete for Ventura County Teacher of the Year award.


Other Golden Wings recipients included Joanne Bowie, a second-grade teacher at Mound Elementary School; Shelly Brown, a first-grade teacher at Poinsettia Elementary School; and Marcella Stephenson, a combination third- and fourth-grade teacher at Poinsettia Elementary School.

Fifteen other teachers were also honored. Winners for the annual Golden Wings Banquet were chosen from 106 Ventura teachers nominated by colleagues, parents and students.
