
Next OCTA Chief?

* I certainly hope that the Orange County Transportation Authority will search long and far before naming a new chief executive officer and not just anoint Lisa Mills (April 29). As a taxpayer and Santa Ana resident, I know from experience that we as a county cannot afford to have her in this position.

As a council member in our city, Mills stuck it to the taxpayers every chance she got. Her voting record will reflect that she supported every tax increase brought before the council. And as one of the leading proponents of the “Artists Village,” her legacy will live on for years with millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars being tossed into that revenue-depleting black hole.

The new chief executive needs to be fair, able to deal with opposition and sensitive to the needs of all our citizens. These are qualities that Mills showed little of as a council member.


I for one believe that spending $75,000 to find a new OCTA chief is a very wise investment.


Santa Ana
