
Woman’s Claim Alleges Pomona Valley Humane Society Wrongfully Killed Her Cat

A cat owner has filed a claim against the Pomona Valley Humane Society, alleging that operators killed her lost cat only one day after the feline was brought into the facility.

Jill Kortan’s claim--the first step toward filing a lawsuit--seeks $100,000 in general damages and $15 million in punitive damages.

Kortan, of Montclair, said the 3-year-old male cat, named Fuzzy, escaped from her mobile home one night last October. The next day, Kortan said, a neighbor told her she saw a humane society officer pick up a cat. Kortan said she drove to the animal shelter, where officials told her Fuzzy had been destroyed and allowed her to identify him.


The Pomona Valley Humane Society, which is a quasi-public agency with city contracts, holds domestic cats for at least three days as required by state law and then makes them available for adoption, said William Harford, executive director. Wild cats can be destroyed sooner, he said.

Fuzzy was labeled a wild cat because he had no identification tag, reacted violently to handlers and was brought in as a stray, Harford said.

Also named in the claim are the cities of Pomona and Montclair, Los Angeles County and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals, as well as the mobile home park operator who captured the cat and notified the Humane Society.


Park operators declined to comment.
