
Child Abuse Council to Host Conference

The Ventura County Child Abuse Prevention Council will host a conference, “Keeping our Children Safe,” on Saturday as part of its activities for Child Abuse Prevention Month.

There are 3 million annual reports of child abuse in the U.S. and three children die each day from abuse or neglect, said Barry Boatman, president of the Abuse Prevention Council.

“We live in a day and age when we hear through the media about incredible cases of child abuse, abandonment and neglect,” Boatman said, adding that the conference is a way to educate people on how to prevent or deal with these abuses.


Panel members will discuss the foster-care system, mandated reporting, positive parenting and anger-stress management. They will also discuss the steps Child Protection Services takes once an abuse has been reported.

The conference is designed to assist people who work with children, including parents, students, educators, school nurses, counselors and psychologists, child-care workers, health-care workers, social workers and foster parents. It is also open to the general public.

“The council will also be recognizing individuals and organizations that have been nominated by people in the community for special work above and beyond the call of duty through working with children in our county,” Boatman said.


The conference will be held at the James F. Cowan Conference Center, 550 Airport Way, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. For registration information, call 639-3909.
