
Bilingual Education Waiver Vote Tonight

Orange Unified School District board members will take a final vote tonight on whether to seek a waiver from state-mandated bilingual education.

Under a proposed plan, which is expected to be unanimously approved by the seven-member board, elementary students now being taught in Spanish would undergo transition to an “English immersion” program.

Instead of being taught academic classes in Spanish, with additional instruction in English, the 1,200 elementary students in bilingual education would be taught in English, with special classes in Spanish to make sure they understand the material, according to the proposal.


Most of the English tutorial classes would be offered after regular school hours and during the summer or the “intersessions” of year-round schools. The district also proposes a plan for pre-kindergarten students to prepare for oral English and classes for parents to learn how to help instruct their children at home.

Latino activists and parents who oppose the proposal plan to stage a rally in front of the meeting room to protest, beginning about 5:30 p.m.

The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. Both the rally and school board meeting will take place at district headquarters, 1401 N. Handy St.


Information: (714) 997-6221.
