
Robinson Uncomfortable in Spotlight

Although Coach Larry Robinson has indicated that he probably will return next season, the recent attention given to the escape option in his contract has not gone unnoticed by the players.

“I’ve discussed it with a few people,” left winger Kevin Stevens said. “Larry has to be concerned with the direction of the team. . . . I mean who’s to say that we’re better now than we were last year at this time?

“Larry has options, so why wouldn’t he explore them and figure out what he has to do just like a player would do? He has to do what’s right for him. He’s done everything he can for the team.”


On Friday, Robinson said that he does not like being in the news.

“I would really be upset if we were going for the playoffs,” Robinson said. “I don’t want to be the center of attention because the players are the most important thing in any organization.”
