
Industry Must Curb Overlong Workdays

The story on the petition to institute “Brent’s Rule” was excellent (“Crew Rallies for Shorter Days Following Colleague’s Death,” March 22). I hope the film industry will take action on these very real abuses taking place in the name of entertainment.

I was so glad to read that the crew members from the film industry have finally decided to take a stand on the abject cruelty of being forced to work abominably long hours. It amazes me that this has gone on for years and that so few people have died as a result of 14- to 19-hour workdays. The industry standard of these schedules is inhumane and needs to stop.

I hope that Baird Steptoe and Haskell Wexler open the petition to the public, especially the friends and family of workers in the television and film industry, to get the support they will need to end this madness.



