
Jack Kemp

Re Arianna Huffington’s March 23 Column Right suggestions for Jack Kemp’s campaign in 2000:

I think it is wrong for her to suggest that Jack Kemp tithe 10% of his hard-earned income to social causes. Here’s a great American sports hero and self-made man, who struggles to get along among the “truly wealthy” on a couple of million per year.

Should such socialistic liberal dogma be pursued we might be suggesting that the more comfortable among the GOP give enormous sums of money to such frivolous causes as so-called social problems, the vanishing middle class (who needs them?) and the disintegration of our sinful inner cities.


Why, here in Southern California there are individuals such as Michael Huffington, Mayor Richard Riordan, Michael Eisner and Donald Bren who might be pressured to give several million dollars per year to such causes. And nationwide what kind of a burden would that place on such families as the Forbeses, Quayles, Kennedys, Rockefellers, DuPonts, etc.?

I can’t believe that such poppycock would appear in the same column that features the wisdom of Cal Thomas and George Will.


Newport Beach

Huffington is right when she suggests that Kemp should give 10% of his income to worthy charities for the poor and also give of his time to kids that need a caring adult.


I wonder if she realizes that if everyone with high incomes did that the welfare problems would disappear.


Redondo Beach
