
Council to Consider Starting Newsletter

Councilman Ray Di Guilio is proposing that Ventura rev up its printing presses to once again crank out a city newsletter.

“I believe that this community does not get enough information to understand what is going on with the city,” Di Guilio said. “Or, if it is available, it’s not a user-friendly source. I’d like to present something to the people rather than making them search for it.”

The City Council will consider his idea tonight, and if a majority expresses interest, city staff will be directed to investigate costs, determine how it would impact city staff, and locate examples of other successful city newsletters.


Ventura had one about eight years ago, but it was discontinued after a few editions because of budget cutbacks, Di Guilio said.

Other council members’ reactions were mixed.

Councilwoman Rosa Lee Measures strongly supports the idea, saying a newsletter could let average citizens know about city accomplishments that might never make it into the newspaper.

Councilman Jim Monahan thinks a newsletter is unnecessary. “What’s wrong with the newspapers?” he asked.


Councilman Jim Friedman said he would be open to the idea, but he would be sensitive to the cost.
