
County Needs to Toot Its Own Horn

Los Angeles County’s economic guru, Jack Kyser, has a message for Orange County: Get the word out.

Kyser, the well-known chief economist at the Economic Development Corp. of Los Angeles County, believes that Orange County suffers the same problem that plagues all of Southern California--perhaps even more so. “The rest of the world doesn’t understand us,” he said in an interview.

Despite a growing economy, a highly desirable mix of businesses and links to key international markets, Orange County is daunted by lingering images of the municipal bankruptcy and a laid-back surfing culture, Kyser said.


As a result, he believes many large corporations underestimate or overlook Orange County as a place to do business. “What we have to make clear is we have this unique set of assets,” he said. “You have to constantly remind them, like the absent-minded relative.”


Patrice Apodaca covers economic issues for The Times.

She can be reached at (714) 966-5979 and at [email protected]
