
No Curfew Please

On Jan. 23, the Orange County Board of Education unanimously approved a resolution opposing daytime curfews. The action will send a message across the nation that [daytime curfews are] truly “inconsistent with a free society.” Orange County has taken a true step in protecting its citizens from potential unconstitutional violations of their freedoms and liberties.

The city of Monrovia, touted by President Clinton as a model city for initiating daytime curfews, should now be overshadowed by the courageous actions of the Orange County Board of Education. I hope that other cities will come to their senses, as the city of Cypress already has done, and repeal this outrageous attack on the family and the concept of self-government.

It is imperative they restore the maxims of trust and responsible citizenship to their communities, and mold a community that values children and parents as the essential elements of society.



Huntington Beach
