
A weekly roundup of business-related bills, upcoming...

A weekly roundup of business-related bills, upcoming legislative issues, regulatory news and other developments of local interest.

* Robert A. Wolf of Moreno Valley has been appointed to the California Transportation Commission, which funds highway and rail projects and works with the Legislature to develop policy. Wolf, 48, is president of Germania Construction Corp., a commercial construction and real estate development firm. No salary. Senate confirmation required.

* Sheldon J. Blumenthal of Beverly Hills has been reappointed to the state Board of Nursing Home Administrators, which oversees the health, safety and rights of long-term patients. Blumenthal, 64, is CEO of the Jewish Home for the Aging. He is also a fellow at the UCLA/USC Long Term Care Gerontology Center. No salary. No Senate confirmation required.


* Dell A. Yelverton of Whittier has been reappointed to the State Board of Landscape Architects, which regulates and licenses landscape architects. Yelverton is a real estate broker for Prudential California Realty in Whittier. No salary. No Senate confirmation required.
