
Singer to Lead St. Cecilia Praise Rally

Renee Bondi will lead a Let’s Just Praise the Lord praise rally at 7:30 p.m. Friday at St. Cecilia Church. Bondi is an inspirational singer/speaker who travels through the U.S. sharing her faith experiences after becoming a quadriplegic. The group Charism will be featured. The church is at 1301 S.E. Sycamore St., Tustin. (714) 545-9077.

The Rev. Gwen Ehrenborg will portray “The Mother of Methodism,” Susanna Wesley, during a service at 7 p.m. Sunday at United Methodist Church of Yorba Linda. There will be a slide presentation of Wesley’s spiritual journey. The church is at 19002 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda. (714) 777-2885.

Father Pat Crowley will lead a Healing Mass and Service at 7:30 p.m. Monday at St. Angela Merici Church. Those suffering from emotional, physical or spiritual illness, or those concerned for someone who is, are encouraged to attend. The church is at 585 S. Walnut Ave., Brea. (714) 525-1774.


The Rev. Margaret Mohit will give the message “The Power of Decision” at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday at Unity Community Church. Sunday school and child care will be available. The church is at 22911 Mill Creek Road, Laguna Hills. (714) 472-9230.

Christ Church by the Sea will present a gospel concert featuring Adrian Shaw and Keiko Takenouchi at 7 p.m. tonight. Takenouchi is an accomplished Japanese artist who studies voice with Shaw. A freewill offering will be taken. The church is at 1400 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. (714) 673-3805.

The Rev. Robert Ross will give the message “What Shall We Do?” at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at the Unitarian Universalist Church of South County. Sunday School will take place during the service. The church is at 25801 Obrero Drive, Suite 8, Mission Viejo. (714) 581-0245.


The Rev. Chris Schriner will lead an “Annual Town Meeting on General Resolutions” at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Laguna Beach. Every year Unitarian Universalist congregations gather to debate proposed resolutions on social issues. The center is at 429 Cypress Drive, Laguna Beach. (714) 497-4563.

Bill Liversidge will lead a “Revelation--The Seven Churches” seminar from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday at Costa Mesa Seventh-Day Adventist Church. The seminar will continue though January and have a second part in February. The church is at 271 Avocado St., Costa Mesa. (714) 548-6596.

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church will continue its weekly “Serendipity” discussion series at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Corporate management consultant Herb Mitchell will speak on “I Count, You Count: Effective Techniques for Building Lasting Relationships.” A $3 donation is requested. The church is at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. (714) 631-2880.


The Rev. Garrett Yamada will lead the Sunday services at 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday at the Geneva Presbyterian Church of Laguna Hills. The Children’s Sunday School will take place during the 9 a.m. service following the Children’s Sermon. The church is at 24301 El Toro Road, Laguna Hills. (714) 837-2323.

The Rev. Tari Lennon will give her Epiphany message “Being Smart Doesn’t Mean I’m Enlightened” at 10 a.m. at Neighborhood Congregational Church. Child care will be provided. The church is at 340 St. Ann’s Drive, Laguna Beach. (714) 951-7260.

The Rev. Robert H. Schuller will continue his “If It’s Going to Be Me, It’s Up to Me!” series based on his new book with the same name at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday at The Crystal Cathedral. Joining him will be Walter Anderson, Parade magazine editor. The church is at 12141 Lewis St., Garden Grove. (714) 971-4000.

Rabbi Ned Soltz will lead a discussion of Jewish medical ethics during the Shabbaton and potluck from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. today at Temple Beth Tikvah. There will be an emphasis on euthanasia. Participants are asked to bring a dairy dish or dessert. The temple is at 1600 N. Acacia Ave., Fullerton. (714) 8713535.

Robert A. Slayton, associate professor of history at Chapman University, will give the message “Will the Pope Move Into the White House?: Hatemongering and the Al Smith Campaign of 1928” at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Fullerton. The church meets at Temple Beth Tikvah, 1600 N. Acacia Ave., Fullerton. (714) 8717150.

The Rev. Robert Blincoe, missionary to the Mideast, will be guest minister during the 8:45 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday services at Trinity United Presbyterian Church. Nancy Heidebrecht, professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Fuller Seminary and Southern California College, will teach a class on the Book of Genesis, “Tell Me the Old, Old Story,” from 9 to 10:10 a.m. Child care for children to 5 years will be provided. The church is at 13922 Prospect Ave., Santa Ana. (714) 544-7850.


Orange County Religion Notes is published on Saturdays. Send the item at least two weeks before the event to Orange County Religion Notes, The Times, 1375 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Telephone calls cannot be accepted. Because of space limitations, The Times cannot guarantee that all notices will be published. Items must include subject, telephone number, event date, time and exact address.
