
Consultant Sought for Entertainment Area

Planning for a pedestrian-friendly entertainment corridor in Agoura Hills moved another step forward this month with the City Council’s approval of funds to hire a consultant who will create a “vision plan” for the area.

The consultant, expected to be named next week from among six applicants, will be given the task of using the design elements that were established during council and planning-committee hearings, and creating sketches to market the idea to developers.

“They will develop preliminary, talking sketches of what we envision for the corridor, so that when we talk to developers for that stretch of road, they know what we’re talking about,” said Mayor Fran Pavley. “They can see if they want to be a part of what we’re doing in Agoura Hills.”


The council approved payment of up to $20,000.

So far, the planned corridor encompasses Whizin’s Center, a retail, office and restaurant complex, and the new Creekside Road project, anchored by a multiplex theater on the corner of Kanan and Agoura roads. It might also include businesses along Agoura Road and Roadside Drive between Kanan and Cornell roads.

The area is expected to be a hub of entertainment businesses, said Planning Director Dave Anderson.

The council is expected to consider in February an overlay zoning plan that would solidify the types of uses that will be accepted for the corridor.


“Once the visuals are created, we’ll go from there and decide how best to proceed with this,” Anderson said.

Pavley said the current council wanted to move quickly to establish an entertainment corridor, and was willing to do what it could to expedite and implement the plans.

“This is a top priority for all of us in 1997,” she said.
