
In DeLane’s World, Golf and Tater Tots Rule


DeLane Matthews may be in Studio City during the week shooting “Dave’s World” (CBS) where she stars as the wife of Harry Anderson, but weekends are devoted to DeLane’s world: a ranch in Arizona with husband Tyrone Power Jr. (yes, son of that Tyrone Power). Soon they will expand the family beyond the one billy goat, two dogs and three cats. DeLane, 35, is just about three months’ pregnant.

Question: Do you and Ty do any hiking from the ranch?

Answer: Uh-huh. Just put on those walking shoes that snakes can’t bite through and we’re set, but, you know, running away from rattlesnakes is not necessarily one of my top cardiovasculars.

Q: What are your favorites?

A: You do get a cardiovascular workout if you hit the golf ball in the rough as much as I do and go down into a creek bed trying to find your golf ball. I also do a lot of swimming. We have solar heating for our pool, so I swim 10 months out of the year and it’s just fantastic exercise for my back. . . . I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 13, and I wore many braces. But I was a helluva bowler after that because I was so perfectly straight all I had to do was drop the ball and it ran down the middle.


Q: Do you play golf with your husband?

A: We’re actually one of those couples that can play golf together and not end up clubbing each other.

Q: Why do you suppose that is?

A: He’s really good and he’s really got a sexy swing.

Q: Speaking of sexy, let’s switch to food.

A: I love food but I love clean food. I love the taste of distinct flavors. I’m very sensory. It’s the same reason I think that I don’t wear a glove when I play golf. I like to feel the club in my hand. I’m not sure that’s a sign of a highly evolved person but it’s the case with me.

Q: What do you eat?

A: I’m allergic to beef and pork, so I eat chicken and seafood and I love turkey products. My favorite salad is spinach with a little feta, a little crumpled turkey bacon and sliced fresh mushrooms . . . with 15 pounds of butter. I’m just kidding.


Q: You avoid fatty foods?

A: I really avoid fats. I just like to have fruit and yogurt for breakfast and a bagel with tomato and low-fat cream cheese. And then for lunch, a salad with some fruit and baked potato or vegetables because anything heavier really weighs me down and then it’s nap time.

Q: What do you do about dinner?

A: We have Japanese food at least a couple a times a week. My husband is a brilliant cook--much better than I am--and prepares most of our food. He loves to cook Italian most of all. So I’ve really got it lucky. I do bake bread and it’s so fresh that I will eat it without anything on it.

Q: You’re not a dessert eater?

A: I don’t have a real sweet tooth. I have more of a salt fixation than anything. And tater tots actually weaken me at the knees.


* Guest Workout runs Wednesdays in Life & Style.
