
Question of Faith

Re “Political Briefing,” Oct. 18.

This is a step much too far, [state Sen. Tom] Hayden! As a Jewish Democrat and Valley business leader, I’ve watched your attacks upon Herschel Rosenthal and now Scott Schreiber! How can you justify your evident “anti-Jewishness” to the predominantly Jewish district you seek reelection in? Perhaps it is not Schreiber who is so right-wing-controlled. You seem to be establishing a very anti-Jewish stance, almost far right wing!


Sherman Oaks

As founding president of the Valley Jewish Business Leaders Assn. and as a former member of the board of the Jewish Home for the Aging, I have seen Schreiber up close and personal.

He has been an active and participating member of the Valley Jewish Business Leaders Assn., and Hayden’s accusation that Schreiber would seek the support of the Christian Coalition or similar organizations is both unrealistic and insulting.


Campaign rhetoric being what it is, it is often easy, and most prudent, to disregard charges such as Hayden’s, but an accusation that Schreiber is a tool of such groups should not be ignored.


Woodland Hills
