
Council Discusses Goals for Next Year

Of the hundreds of projects and ideas a city government can pursue at any given time, Moorpark’s City Council members have picked 94 they want to make high priorities in the coming year.

The council Wednesday discussed a proposed set of goals and objectives for Moorpark. The goals, first discussed during a town hall meeting in April, are specific steps designed to implement such broad policies as encouraging community involvement in local government and revitalizing the downtown area.

The ideas discussed Wednesday touch on almost every aspect of the city’s life. One goal, intended to prevent juvenile crime, includes the creation of a “youth master plan” that would coordinate programs for local youth.


Another, aimed at Moorpark’s traffic problems, calls for the city to install weight-monitoring equipment along its roads to spot overloaded trucks.

Another would create a foundation, much like the Simi Valley Unified School District Foundation, that could perform fund-raising projects the city cannot.

Council members Wednesday narrowed down the list of goals, tossing out 16 they considered redundant or unnecessary. The council will vote to approve the final list at a future meeting.
