
Prop. 212

“State GOP Uses Gathering to Schmooze, Raise Money” (Aug. 16) pointed out very well that campaigning these days has very little to do with the long-term future of our state. Myself and many of my fellow citizens no longer feel represented by our politicians. Why? Because they are too busy trying to please the big-money corporate donors. They are preoccupied with where their money is coming from, not the concerns of those they were elected to represent.

There is a solution: Prop. 212 on the ballot in November. It will cut the stranglehold big corporations have on our politicians. Prop. 212 would level the playing field so those with huge amounts of money don’t have unfair access to politicians. It would limit candidates to $100 contributions regardless of who they were from. It also bans corporate and union contributions, mandates that candidates raise no more than 25% of their money from outside their district, and sets low mandatory spending limits to stop rich candidates from buying political office with their own fortunes.


