
150 Reasons to Look at Fisher’s New CD Changer


Now you can have the home equivalent of a jukebox that’s no bigger than a breadbox. Fisher’s new Studio 150 is a 150-disc CD changer with three programming modes and load-during-play capacity.

The remote-controlled compact unit (16.5 inches wide, 7.6 inches high, 18 inches deep) stores discs in a virtually dust-free chamber, so there is less wear.

Studio 150’s trilevel programming offers three choices: one, up to 14 factory preset categories named by musical type--jazz, classical, country, etc.; two, personally chosen groupings of CDs by artist or composer names; three, groupings by CD title. While playing one CD you can load up to 149 others.


It is possible for families to group CDs by owner (Mom’s music, Dad’s music, Spot’s music) and to protect programming data (a four- to eight-character code prevents anyone from changing categories or ejecting discs). You can scroll through titles displayed in large fluorescent letters on the front of the unit.

Studio 150 ($349.95 to $429.95) is available at Sharper Image stores or by catalog, (800) 344-5555.


Keep in Touch: Hard to reach? At the end of this month Casio Phonemate will introduce TP-340, an innovative, all-digital answering machine with Pager Link, which will automatically call your pager whenever a message is received on the phone machine.


With nationwide pager use growing dramatically--about 30 million people regularly wear pagers, according to the industry--the TP-340 gives family, friends and business associates instant access to pagers through the answering machine.

It also eliminates the problem of calling your answering machine only to find you have no messages or some you should have picked up hours before.

Family members need only press a single button on the TP-340 and it will automatically dial your pager number.


TP-340 ($149) will be available in major electronics and department stores.
