
Ross Perot

* “Same Notes, Different Styles for Perot, Lamm” (Aug. 12) finds inconsistency between Ross Perot’s desire to be president and his statement that he would run only if asked by his party. Where’s the inconsistency? How many billionaires would subject themselves to the humiliation of an American-style presidential campaign?

Perot is the most significant statesman to grace this nation since FDR. Who else seeking office is not paid for by special interests, or affected by a Clintonic megalomania? Perot, a little man physically, stands tall above all others in politics, in energy, integrity, intelligence, common sense, honesty, patriotism and vision.


Los Angeles


* I am calling on eligible voters to examine their consciences. If you are not totally satisfied with the way our nation is headed, then I hope you will give Perot a chance. He has repeatedly said that he would “turn our country around” and, if elected president, he and his administration would be servants to the American people. I honestly believe that he would do this.


If, after his term, he has not measured up to our expectations, we can vote him out! We will never know whether or not he could make a difference, unless we give him a chance!


San Diego
