
Students Learned Some Lessons Well

Now that the school year has come to an end, it is time to say “thank you” to the students in my classes and to those of many teachers in California’s public and private schools.

Thank you for finally realizing that real effort on homework and classwork does pay off, not only in a grade but in learning about people, the world and yourself.

Thank you for not cheating on assignments and tests, for you were only really cheating yourself.


Thank you for putting pressure on your peers and adhering to the rules so that real teaching and learning could take place.

Thank you for getting to school on time (even for my class, which began at 7 a.m.) and attending school although it might be easier to stay home or cut classes with your friends. These efforts will pay off in the workplace.

Thank you for making the time and accepting the risk of being an involved student in classes, clubs, student government, school assemblies and sports.


Thank you for turning in your books and not damaging school property, for there isn’t the money to replace items for those who come after you.

Thank you for beginning friendships with a variety of students no matter what cultural heritage they come from.

Thank you for your real efforts to learn a second or third language, even though at times it was hard. These languages will serve you well in understanding others and as an asset in the international world of business.


Thank you for taking time to thank your teachers, counselors, administrators, office staff, school aides, cafeteria workers, custodians, and last, but not least, your parents, for together we really do care about you.


Western High School

