
Developer Gets Grant Despite Questions

The City Council on Tuesday approved a $500,000 grant to a developer, despite questions from some residents about whether the landlord is illegally evicting residents from apartments that are to be renovated.

Father Ed Poettgen of St. Polycarp Catholic Church said he became aware of evictions at the Plaza Patria apartments on Court Street because fewer residents from there were attending church functions.

Poettgen said the owner of the three-building complex, Los Angeles-based Jan Development Co., told the residents that a rehabilitation was set to begin, so they would have to leave. Some, he said, were given $300 to leave before May 15.


According to state law, tenants required to move because of scheduled remodeled are entitled to relocation benefits.

Officials of Jan Development did not return phone calls Wednesday seeking comment on the project.

The company recently completed another rehabilitation project in Stanton, a $24-million low-income senior housing facility adjacent to City Hall.


City Manager Terry Matz said the city was aware of evictions at Plaza Patria but felt it should not get involved.
