
Is There a ‘Real’ Race at Indy This Year?

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As a real racing fan, I am sick and tired of the biased coverage you are giving this year’s counterfeit Indy 500. Who cares about a collection of mostly no-names, unknowns and wannabes? Obviously, the huge fall-off in the traditional qualifying-day crowds clearly shows the fans’ true feelings.

Why does the so-called educated press feed into this sham? When every survey made in the last year is overwhelmingly against Tony George and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for raping the traditions of America’s most historic motor-car race?

At the very least, give the real race in Michigan equal billing and let people make their choice.





Jim Murray is right on in calling the Indy 500 for what it is. Shav Glick has been so pro-IRL that I was wondering if The Times was on the IRL payroll. Tony George is well on his way to ruining the Indy 500 and the tradition his father built. The Indy 500 will be a modern-day destruction derby with underfinanced teams, under-talented drivers and just plain boring racing. The real race fans and talent will be in Michigan.


