
City to Join New Countywide Forum

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The idea of a countywide group to deal with local and regional problems has been unanimously endorsed by the City Council.

The Orange County Council of Governments would consist of representatives from cities and various other agencies, including the Orange County Transportation Authority and Orange County Sanitation Districts. It would have 21 voting members.

A joint-powers agreement to participate was approved by the City Council this week.

Among the goals of the Council of Governments is serving as a forum for consideration, study and recommendations on solving areawide and regional problems.


City Manager Daniel E. Keen urged the City Council to ratify the agreement making La Palma part of the new countywide council.

“This [new organization] would combine representatives into a single, voluntary forum unlike any that exists in the state,” Keen said. “Issues discussed within this forum would be thoroughly examined by a number of disciplines since representatives will come from government, the private sector and universities.”

Keen said that joining the group does not cost the city.
