
5 Students Win $5,000 College Scholarships

Five seniors from San Fernando Valley public high schools each received $5,000 college scholarships from MCI Thursday.

The grants were awarded as part of the company’s third annual academic competition.

The Valley students were among 10 bilingual seniors selected from Los Angeles County public high schools.

More than 800 students competed for the scholarships, which can be used to attend a two- or four-year college.


The applicants represented more than 30 languages.

Winners were selected for their essays, academic records and fluency in two or more languages.

Each scholarship recipient also expressed interest in a career in telecommunications, marketing, international or general business, computer science, communications or engineering.

Winners in the Valley schools were Jerry Lai from Van Nuys High School, who speaks English and Mandarin; Susan Lee of Chatsworth High School, who speaks English and Korean; Jonathan Mack of North Hollywood High School, who speaks English and French, and Vanessa de Veritch of Saugus High School, who speaks English and Spanish.
