
Chatsworth Firm to Move Headquarters

A Chatsworth manufacturing company plans to move its headquarters to Simi Valley, now that the city’s Planning Commission has approved the project.

Simi Valley commissioners on Wednesday granted Standard Abrasives Inc. the development permit needed to build an 81,197-square-foot building on Guardian Street, near Tapo Street.

The facility will contain offices, warehouse space and equipment to produce the company’s sandpaper and sanding disks.


Once complete, the building will house the 120 employees now working at the company’s Chatsworth headquarters, which was damaged by the Northridge earthquake.

Although city planners said the plant’s machinery would not exceed Simi Valley’s noise standards, commissioners decided to require two noise studies during the building’s first year of occupancy.

The studies, they said, should ensure that noise levels in a neighborhood across the Arroyo Simi from the plant stay within approved limits.
